BGL's email address has recently changed. We cannot update the address given on sites that have linked to this one so please only use the address on the 'Contact' page. Thanks
Berkshire Gay Link
About Berkshire Gay Link
BGL is a social group which organises a range of activities for gay men living in Berkshire and further afield. A social programme is published roughly every 3 months within a newsletter posted out to all members. Some examples of the kind of things we've run in the past ...
• visits to country parks, houses, museums, gardens
• at members homes for coffee evenings, cheese & wine, buffets, xmas parties
• BBQs, gourmet meals, quizzes, video viewings
• at restaurants for meals
We offer social gatherings away from the commercial gay scene. There's something for everyone, and if not you can influence what other events we run by suggesting them, even if you don't want to run them yourself.
Anything goes - you don't have to conform to any stereotypes